Investing in Cattle Farms for Food Security and Financial Stability

investing in cattle farm

Investing in cattle farms for food security and financial stability is nothing like investing in plant-based food production from fruits, vegetables, and pulses. Those plants are demanding crops agronomically. Livestock is different since it has the advantage of various species and systems.

Livestock can be adapted much more easily so that every ecosystem can use it. Moreover, livestock can deal better with climate volatility within the ecosystems compared to plants. The ecological flexibility of livestock is something special that plants don’t have.

Investing in Cattle Farms for Food Security and Financial Stability

The global health and agriculture authorities like IFAD, WHO, UNWFP, OIE, and FAO, as well as CGIAR which is the global research organization agree to build on production systems of livestock in countries with lower income. In recent years, they have launched multiple initiatives.

The goal of those initiatives is to facilitate scientific evidence of different kinds as guidance to policy initiatives needed. One of the initiatives is called GASL or Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock that’s highly active. It brings together actors from science, policy, and private industry.

You may want to invest in cattle farms​ since the Committee on Agriculture of FAO shows how important this sector is by instituting a new livestock subcommittee.

  • Examples of Livestock Improving Socioeconomic Performances

Livestock improves households’ socioeconomic performance, especially in middle-income and lower-income countries. In Zambia, livestock transfers have increased the accumulation of assets by 125%. It also increased the incomes of households by 59% in 42 months.

In Nepal, improvements in the goat value chain have doubled incomes. And in Bangladesh, interventions in poultry have increased the incomes of households by 49%.

In Niger, about 60% of households are still relying on animal sales to cope with unexpected medical expenditures and food shortages. If you invest in cattle farms, you basically help small farmers in middle- and lower-income countries improve their finances and keep them alive.

  • Prospects of Livestock Farming Systems

Almost 50% of livestock and cereals in the world are grown on less than 20 ha farms. In developing and emerging countries, the number can reach 70%. Many case studies in any context of socio-cultural prove that livestock farming productivity improvements are desirable and possible.

It will be successful only if the whole dimensions are being considered and well—integrated into value chains and business models.


If you’re looking for an investment system that’s going to help you and other families around the world, consider investing in cattle farms for food security and financial stability. It is going to help households in developing countries like Indonesia.

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